Tuesday, February 6, 2024
14:00 - 15:00
Michal P. Heller (Ghent University)
Title: Beyond geodesics and extremal hypersurfaces in gravity
Geodesics and extremal hypersurfaces play a critical role in the contemporary understanding of gravity. They compute certain correlation functions, various notions of entropy and, at least sometimes, complexity. I will discuss a new look at this venerable subject motivated by results in Ramesh Chandra’s thesis and recent de Sitter advancements originating from Amsterdam. Based on 2305.11280 and work in progress with Fabio Ori and Alex Serantes.
Pawel Caputa (University of Warsaw)
Title: Updates on Krylov: Modular Hamiltonians and QCD.
I will discuss some of the recent developments in the Krylov complexity story. In particular, I will focus on the applications of the Krylov basis techniques to the modular Hamiltonian evolution and I will discuss a new angle on entanglement entropy in QCD at high energies.
String Theory group
UvA - Faculty of Science
quantum matter, string theory
Michal P. Heller (Ghent University), Pawel Caputa (University of Warsaw)