Wednesday, February 7, 2024
15:45 - 17:00
Single-layered cuprate high-Tc superconductors (HTSC) remain the poster child to understand the underlying mechanism driving the unconventional superconductivity. A unique route to develop this understanding is to unravel the mystery of the preceding normal state. The normal state shows a T-linear resistivity unlike good metals and called the ‘strange metal (SM) phase’. For hole (p) doped cuprates the SM state exists p>p*, i.e. beyond the quantum critical point (QCP) at the doping p*. Single-layered cuprate with a single band Fermi surface (FS) is ideal to access the carriers of the SM state. Hall effect data show a change in the p transport-active carriers (a ‘small’ FS) p→1+p (‘large’ FS) across p*, with much of this action happening for p>p* [Nat. Phys. 17 826 (2021)], i.e. in the overdoped portion of the phase diagram. With access to momentum-landscape, ARPES data see all the occupied states (a large FS) for all p>p*, this talk addresses what the spectroscopic fingerprint is observed within p→1+p beyond pseudogapped phase. In my earlier presentation, I showed the lineshape study of ARPES spectra as the first step towards defining the spectroscopy-active carriers. In the present talk, I will give an update on the status of the analysis and discuss our attempt to establish a qualitative connection between transport carriers and ARPES-active carriers in strange metal phase, all taken from same (Pb,Bi)-2201 samples.
UvA - Faculty of Science
Group Seminar
quantum matter
Saumya Mukherjee (postdoc in Mark's group)