Wednesday, April 10, 2024
11:00 - 12:00
Decades of research in graphene
nanodevices have shown that
graphene is an excellent material
for charge and spin transport
thanks to its high charge carrier
mobility and long spin life8me.
However, prac8cal applica8ons of
graphene-based spintronic devices
require efficient electrical control of
the spin informa8on. This sought-
aUer goal is now achievable
through the proximity of graphene
to other two-dimensional materials
in van der Waals heterostructures.
By the proximity effect, we enrich
the proper8es of graphene and induce coupling between charges and spins via spin-orbit
[1, 2] and exchange [3, 4] interac8ons. These interac8ons result in the emergence of various
unprecedented phenomena in graphene that showcase its ac8ve role in genera8ng spin
currents, both electrically and thermally [3, 4]. We further explore quantum Hall transport in
proximi8zed graphene and observe signatures of quantum coherent spin propaga8on in these
heterostructures [4]. These experimental advancements in spin-related func8onali8es of
graphene-based nanodevices open the route for their prac8cal applica8ons in future ultra-
compact memory and compu8ng systems with implica8ons for quantum informa8on
[1] Ghiasi, TS, et al. Nano Letters 17, 7528 (2017)
[2] Ghiasi, TS, et al. Nano Letters 19, 5959 (2019)
[3] Ghiasi, TS, et al. Nature Nanotechnology 16, 788 (2021)
[4] Ghiasi, TS, et al. arXiv preprint arXiv:2312.07515 (2023).
UvA - Faculty of Science
quantum gases and quantum information, quantum matter
Dr. Talieh Ghiasi (Harvard University, USA)